Investing in employee health and wellbeing is essential…
Over the last 2 days all Marcon staff were invited to attend a health check assessment carried out by Health care officers from NI Chest, Heart and Stroke Foundation.
The health check assessments were fully funded through our employee enrolment on WPA Healthcare Plan, which is offered to all directly employed staff. This Plan enables employees to be reimbursed for some of their medical, dental, and optical expenses throughout the year.
The onsite health assessments provided convenient access to a health care advisor. Staff were given individual timeslots to attend a 30-minute one-to-one consultation
The in-depth consultations consisted of a range of tests:
- Blood Pressure
- Atrial fibrillation/ Resting heart rate
- Blood sugar/ Diabetes
- Total Cholesterol which was further broken down to HDL Cholesterol and TC/HDL ratio
- Body composition/ muscle mass/ visceral fat rating/ Hydration %
- Metabolic rate
The health checks are focused on identifying any potential health risks before they become problems. They provide employees with the knowledge on their key health statistics and enables them to discover any potential risks or issues they may have.
The results are completely confidential, each employee that took part received a personal report with their results along with lifestyle advice and some actions that could be implemented to help improve their overall health.
The feedback from the Marcon team has been very positive –
Quantity Surveying Assistant Jayne Fleck commented “I found the health check useful as an insight into my general health. I have never had my blood glucose or cholesterol checked before so this has put my mind at ease that everything is as it should be.”
Mark O’Connor, Director at Marcon continued “We are continually looking for ways to improve and embed health and well being into our business strategy because our people are our biggest asset and a healthy workforce is key to business success. In terms of employee health and wellness the scheme is fantastic and definitely worthwhile. The health checks are designed to pick up any potential illnesses or health issues giving employees the opportunity to implement positive change to prevent future health problems. It’s a fantastic scheme, our team benefit from better support for their health, and we can benefit from reduced absenteeism and improved productivity.”
Thank-you to Stephanie and Judith from NI Chest Heart and Stroke Foundation, Marcon Directors, our SHEQ Manager Andrew Watson and our Business Improvement Manager Colleen Scullion for organising.